#FROZINSKY! - a Blue Screen
Did you know BLUESCREEN??, bluescreen is safe shutdown windows if windows have problem, and could be because a virus...., Now i will share about

Event name: Blue screen
Deleted fixed sys 01000101 01110010 01110010 01101111 01110010
A dead sign screen
reason: becaused by many thing
Windows always restarting because this

The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
officially a STOP Error
also known as Deadscreen, Blue Screen Error, Bluescreen, or bug check, is the error screen displayed by the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems upon encountering a critical error, of a non-recoverable nature, that causes the system to crash.
The term is named after the color of the screen generated by the error.
Stop errors are hardware
updates and driver related
causing the computer to stop responding in order to prevent damage to the hardware or data.
In the later versions of Windows (Windows NT to Windows 7) the screen presents information for diagnostic purposes that was collected as the operating system performed a bug check.
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